You Belong In The WINNER'S CIRCLE!

Get confident. Get focused. Get motivated.

(Questions? Check out the FAQs at the bottom of the page!)

"I am 100% convinced that your course had a significant impact on my ability to win the NOC. I was truly focused on performance rather than results, and it paid off big time. I was able to give Cedar what he needed to do the job. THANK YOU!!!!"

Kori Bevis
2017 AKC National Obedience Champion

Registration Closes...

This may be THE LAST TIME I offer the Winner's Circle, so don't miss out!











Stop The Sabotage

Break out of the cage! Understand the mechanisms that sabotage you and create self-limiting beliefs. Learn to quieten the Inner Critic and forge new belief systems!

The Confidence Code

Learn the techniques used by elite athletes, performers and business people to overcome fears, ride the roller coaster of self-doubt, and develop confidence in their abilities.

Better Habits

Motivation, goal-setting, clarity and habits. How they all fit together to create an unstoppable powerhouse of successful action.


Focus, the ultimate secret weapon. Learn how to use the different types of focus, avoid overwhelm, and improve your productivity and preparation.

Mental Toughness

Develop mental toughness, the true spirit of a champion. Learn how to overcome negativity and adversity and use it to thrive.

Get In The Zone

Find your flow. How to find the sweet spot where you perform at your best.

"A day before I was to leave, my husband had emergency surgery for a torn quad tendon, making my trip doubtful. With the help of friends, I arrived the night before the competition. I kept to my competition mind and laid down three great runs putting me in the finals. I felt enough calmness and power to run the finals clean, a momentous occasion for me and all I ever wanted to accomplish."

Marianne Diehl
2017 AKC National Agility Finalist

Pricing Options





Lifetime* access to course materials only.

*(Access to all pre-recorded lesson videos, downloadable lesson audios and PDFs for as long as the site is live, which is the foreseeable future!)

NOTE: No access to live or recorded Q&A, comments or FB Group.





Lifetime* access to all materials

Facebook group

Weekly live Q&As

*(Access to all pre-recorded lesson videos, downloadable lesson audios and PDFs for as long as the site is live, which is the foreseeable future!)






Lifetime* access to all materials

Facebook group

Weekly live Q&As 

*(Access to all pre-recorded lesson videos, downloadable lesson audios and PDFs for as long as the site is live, which is the foreseeable future!)


Frequently Asked Questions

No problem! Everyone is welcome. This course is about personal potential! I love coaching anyone with a passion to learn and grow! I want to help open up the possibilities so you don't block yourself with fear, doubt and negative thinking. 

I don't know if I will be reopening the course ever because I am changing my business model. Even if I do run it one more time, it won't be until 2019. So I'd register now! Current clients always get special deals when I develop something new!

You get lifetime access to materials (or for at least as I'm around anyway!). You get downloadable lesson audios and PDFs and you can access the lesson videos at any time through the website. Depending on the package you purchase, you may also have access to the Facebook group and live webinars. (However, my feedback period is limited for the duration of the course.)

YES! I answer all your questions weekly in a live Q&A session. You can ask the questions live or submit your questions prior to the webinar in the comments below the lessons or (if necessary due anonymity reasons) email me privately—but of course asking questions LIVE during the webinars is the most fun! You can access the Q&A via the Facebook Group or the Zoom webinar app and ask me questions live. If you can't make the live session, you also have access to the replay. This format helps me to help more people and keep the cost of the course down. Plus, you learn from everyone else, as many people have the same struggles or express things you might not have thought of.

Some people don't want to participate with others or get feedback from me, they just want access to the material.

I can offer the self-directed program at a lower price because I am not directly involved.

There are 12 weeks of course material, broken into three sessions of four weeks, with a one-week break in-between.There are four short lessons per week, so approximately 48 lessons. You get lifetime* access to the material, but my feedback is limited to the length of the course. 

*Lifetime means lifetime of the website, so as long as I'm around to maintain it, you have access, but you can download all audio and PDF materials.

The lesson videos average around 10 minutes. The homework I suggest can be practiced throughout the course of your day. I recommend blocking 30-60 minutes per week. If you do a small bit each day, it is easy to keep up with.

Although I run a Canadian company, I coach clients around the world. Due to limitations with Canadian merchant accounts, it became necessary to deal in a more global currency.

You get access to four lessons per week. I have found that overwhelm is one of the biggest roadblocks to learning, as is the other end of the spectrum...cramming! 

Nope! All the materials are available in the course and the webinars can be accessed through desktop or mobile via the Zoom apps (it's easy, don't worry). The Facebook group is for sharing interesting stories and articles. I do stream the webinars into the FB group, as some people find that more convenient. (NOTE: The self-directed plan does not include FB group or webinars.)

For the self-directed course, a full refund is available 7 days from the date of purchase.

Because I am heavily involved with the main course and it is my time, I don't offer an official refund policy. However, I always have an open door policy for discussion and deal with cases on an individual basis.

If necessary, you can submit questions to me privately via email, which I will answer anonymously during the live Q&A. You're usually not alone and many people will have the same question you have.

Reasonable internet is necessary for participating live in the webinars, but all the materials are also available in audio and PDF formats, which are very internet friendly. I'm in a rural area with limited internet, so I don't do anything too data intensive. If you can watch YouTube or Facebook videos, you're definitely fine. If you can't, you will still be able to access the written comments, audios and PDFs. 

"Your feedback and words of wisdom will continue to resonate with me for a long time to come. You have such a gift, to not only be able to teach, but to truly mentor, motivate and inspire!"

Megan MacLeod
Agility Handler

This may be the last time this course is offered!





Lifetime* access to course materials only.

*(Access to all pre-recorded lesson videos, downloadable lesson audios and PDFs for as long as the site is live, which is the foreseeable future!)





Lifetime* access to all materials

Facebook group

Monthly live webinars

Questions answered by Kathy in public comment forum

*(Access to all pre-recorded lesson videos, downloadable lesson audios and PDFs for as long as the site is live, which is the foreseeable future!)






Lifetime* access to all materials

Facebook group

Monthly live webinars

Questions answered by Kathy in public comment forum

*(Access to all pre-recorded lesson videos, downloadable lesson audios and PDFs for as long as the site is live, which is the foreseeable future!)


50% Complete

Two Step

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