FREE 10-Part "Power Up Your Mental Game" Course

Learn easy-to-use tips to improve your mental toughness and focus—and discover the quick trick to 'reboot' your connection with your dog. 
Start my 10-Part "Power Up Your Mental Game" course

Struggling to find the space or time to train?

The easiest way to remove resistance to training is to make it easy to set up and get something done in just a few minutes. You can get a tremendous improvement and build motivation for you and your dog with just a few jumps in a tiny space. 

FREE Agility Drills!

You'll love these simple drills for small tiny spaces.

Mental Game Coaching

Do you struggle with nerves? Focus? Course memorization? 

Stop sabotaging yourself!

Strengthen your mental game so your training — and your dog — can shine!

Improve My Mental Game

Better Trial Prep = Results

Need better connection with your dog? Better timing? 

Want to peak for a big event?

Affordable training for the novice to the world-class competitor.

Improve My Agility Training

"Kathy’s coaching style has been a very big part of my success in agility. One of her greatest strengths is the ability to give you the mental tools to push thru your ‘glass ceiling’."

Lynda Caughlin
National champion, coach (

"If you are really serious about improving in agility, not only your handling and teaching skills but also your mental game; there is nobody in dog training that will be able to help you more than Kathy."

Dante Camacho
3-time world team member (

"Kathy has an uncanny ability to read and understand exactly what every competitor needs in regards to the mental management side of this sport! She is definitely the kind of coach and mentor every athlete deserves!"

Stacy Peardot-Goudy
World champion (

50% Complete

FREE Power-Up Your Mental Game

Learn techniques to develop more confidence and stop sabotaging yourself!